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Four C at ACYA bilingual competition!

28 Sep 2015 - Four C Realty

ACYA VIC Bilingual Language Competition’s (BLC) inaugural state-wide English and Chinese bilingual language competition (final round) is completed on 24th Sep. Four C is always happy to support talented bilingual students as we identified the importance of the connection between Australia and China, both culturally and economically. We appreciate students who have incredible abilities to learn English at such a high standards, and we are consistently giving them opportunities in study scholarships and work internships.


ACYA BLC Introduction

BLC provides a challenging platform for Victorian tertiary students to showcase and improve their Chinese and Engliah communication skills, both verbally and written. The BLC also encourages individuals to immerse in both cultures through language and to pursue further studies.

On a broder level, the BLC seeks to recognise the individual and collective benefits of honing one's Chinese language skills in an English-speaking country.


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Four C Realty

Caroline He